Infectious Diseases

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Travel Medicine

Trips to exotic locations such as Africa, Asia, or South America can be exciting, but they also can expose you to diseases not common in the United States, diseases like yellow fever, malaria, typhoid, and more. The University of Mississippi Medical Center maintains a full-service travel medicine clinic through our infectious disease division to help guard against medical dangers of international travel.

Using guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), our travel medicine physicians help travelers prepare for a safe, healthy journey.


  • Immunizations required for entry into many foreign countries
  • Information about traveling with chronic health conditions
  • International health counseling on topics, including:
    • Available medical facilities
    • U.S. embassy and consulate services
    • Information regarding crime, local customs, and food/drink safety
  • Prescriptions for malaria, altitude sickness prevention, and other travel-related illnesses
  • Repellents to guard against malaria, dengue fever, and yellow fever
  • Routine vaccinations against diseases such as influenza, pneumonia, and measles/mumps/rubella (MMR)
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